Spring Cleaning April 1-3, 2025  &  Mitre Magic Mini Reunion April 4-6, 2025

Thank you for registering! Please take a few minutes to review the information below, and if you have questions or requests, contact us at troopmitre@gmail.com
If your plans change after you have registered, please let us know via the email above or a text to 512-633-3401. 
During Spring Cleaning Weekend, we all help our volunteer cooks with set-up and clean-up. Please sign up for a few simple tasks via the Kitchen Duty signup link below. 
During the Mini-Reunion, group meals will be prepared by teams of participants. Please sign up for a team via the Reunion Kapers link below. 
Spread the word about our Spring Events and invite your friends to join us! To register additional participants, Click here to access registration information and registration form.