Our Mission
The Mission of Troop Mitre is to serve as ambassadors, to preserve Camp Mitre Peak history, to build relationships among those who love Mitre Peak, and to raise funds for projects such as camperships, program materials and maintenance supplies. Your membership ensures that girls can always experience the Mitre Magic, the starry nights, rugged trails, the deep friendships, & the lasting memories that only Camp Mitre Peak can provide.
In 2006 as the Permian Basin Girl Scout Council was realigning to become Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest, Camp Mitre Peak alumnae wanted to ensure the long term future of Camp Mitre Peak through all of the changes and transitions. So a small group of alumnae met in Odessa, TX to get organized and Troop Mitre was born! Clarissa “Red” Funk is the one responsible for naming the newly formed group. Freda Walker and Jana Jones worked with the Permian Basin council CEO, Cindy Shelton, to integrate and collaborate how alumnae could support the council’s work at camp. A Facebook page was created to bring more people to the group. Troop Mitre Facebook group now has over 600 members! In the fall of 2019, Troop Mitre incorporated as a nonprofit and became a 501(c)3 organization in order to serve our membership and carry out our mission more efficiently. Troop Mitre has become an effective network of Camp Mitre Peak alumnae and others who have come to love Mitre Peak as adults (ABC’s—Alumni By Choice). We love our connection to Camp Mitre Peak and are devoted to supporting Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest in continuing to provide formative camp experiences for girls now and for generations.