Our 2024-25 FUNDRAISER is underway! We have ambitious goals to renovate the Apache & Seminole Units. Learn more HERE

TROOP MITRE, INC is a nonprofit that is funded entirely through donations. We are an all-volunteer organization that has no business office and few overhead expenses, leaving donated funds to go toward the mission of Troop Mitre.
Troop Mitre is a 501(c)3, and all donations are tax deductible.
When you donate, designate one of these funds that support our mission:
SPONSORSHIPS are annual donations made by Troop Mitre members. Sponsorships are used to cover minimal business expenses and to fund Troop Mitre projects. A suggested sponsorship is $60 per year or $25 per year for a member who needs a reduced rate, but sponsorships in any amount are welcome.
FEED THE FLAME funds are used for materials, tools, equipment, and supplies for the physical upkeep of Camp Mitre Peak and camp program supplies.
SEND A GIRL TO CAMP funds are used for camp scholarships so that attending camp will be financially feasible for more girls.
The Donate button below allows you to use a PayPal account or credit card to donate to any of those three funds. 


To honor or memorialize someone with your donation, CLICK HERE so that we can properly acknowledge your donation.
The Permian Basin Area Foundation manages a Camp Mitre Peak endowment for Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest. Donations to the endowment help sustain Camp Mitre Peak for the future.
CLICK HERE  to donate to the Camp Mitre Peak Endowment.


To donate by check, send a check with a note indicating the purpose of the donation to: Nancy Johnson, Troop Mitre Treasurer; 2620 Potosi Road; Abilene, Texas 79602

Troop Mitre uses PayPal to facilitate donations. Like all credit card services, PayPal charges a small fee for each transaction. Because we are a 501(c)3 organization, we are charged a reduced fee of 1.9% plus $.49 per transaction. Checks sent to the above address are not processed through PayPal and are not subject to the processing fee. 




Troop Mitre recently raised the funds and facilitated reroofing Winnie Hall and repairing the roofs of the Kiva and LVP.  All the work was completed March 2021.

THANK YOU Raise the Roof donors! See a list here


Protect, Preserve, Love

SINCE 2007 
A group of alumni dedicated to the past, present, and future of Camp Mitre Peak. 

Learn More



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